
Photos from several refugee camps in Iraqi kurdistan hosting refugees from ISIS-controlled territories. In the camps live christians, kurds and arabs. They don't look as bad as you may think....

The pictures were shot in 2012, in last year of president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rule. The electoral victory of new Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in 2013 has improved Iran's relations with other countries. I made  2-month travel across countries of Central Asia, Iran, and Kurdish territories of Turkey and Iraq. Among these countries Iran turned out to be most democratic state (comparable with Turkey). I had unique opportunity to explore different faces of the country, both ultra-Islamic and very liberal. The...

Iran is still presented as a symbol of backwardness and fanaticism of the Muslim, leader of the "axis of evil" and a threat to world peace. It is said that the truth usually lies somewhere in between, but in this case there are perhaps two truths. Just as one can speak about two Irans and at least two masks worn every day by its citizens....